This is the Cadman family Blog, so our family and friends around the world can catch up with what we're up to!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A catch up...

I can't believe its nearly a month since we last posted anything - work has been manic and I've been out of town quite a lot. Here's a collection of places I've been visiting instead of this blog:
- the Science museum: a great place to entertain Jude; lots of time spent playing with water in the 'garden'
- Latimer: a work thing, but nice location (if somewhat remote)
- Coventry: more specifically, Aunty Linda and Uncle George's house. I had to go to Stoneleigh for work, so we all decided to pay a visit.
- Slaley Hall: another work thing, another nice location (even more remote!)

Time to spend a bit more time in London I think!


Blogger Diana Langdon said...

update me update me update me update me!

2:18 am


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