This is the Cadman family Blog, so our family and friends around the world can catch up with what we're up to!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Just a post to draw attention to our new photo link (see the sidebar). Also wanted to post this photo.
This is Jude wearing a cardigan that was once his dad's. It's definitely a classic - 28 years old! Talking of classics, what do you listen to when you're at your computer? well, here's a suggestion; try the classic rock channel
here - it goes well with 70's cardigans.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Trip to our other Home and family in South Africa

Jude met his Great Granddad again who loves him very much.
Three generations together, Great Granddad, Grand daughter and Great Grandson.
Beautiful South Africa.
Jude in the paddling pool given kindly by aunty Maureen from the Baptist Church in Kimberley. Judes favourite place to be.
Such a beautiful place to be! With beautiful people! Camps Bay, CapeTown with Marcy and Gordy, Judes godparents. We spent 10 days in Capetown.

Mohawk bath baby!

Jude is a real water baby, in South Africa he loved swimming, not much chance of that here in London, but he still has fun in the bath!

Judes first birthday party

When we were in SA we had a pre birthday celebration for Jude!

Emily, Toby, Jasmine, Alex, their mums and dads and of course Jude came around for his little baby birthday celebration in England. These things are always more for the adults arnt they?! He seemed to enjoy it though! We played pass the parcel and Jude stole Tobys prize away from him!
All the babies gathered around Marty for a look at the blinds at Judes 1st Birthday party.

The birth of our Blog

Hello world! The Cadmans are online and blogging. To introduce ourselves properly, here we are in the Lake District last year.